Stephen Lyons and 19 Stories of Social Inclusion
Stephen Lyons co-launched the Inclusive National Higher Education Forum in Trinity College on the 10th October 2019. Stephen started his presentation by telling the audience that when he was born, the doctor turned to his mother and said “one day he’ll be famous”. Stephen said that this was true as he has now graduated with a degree from Tallagh Institute of Technology. He studied Creative Digital Media there with the support of Ciarán from WALK.
At the launch Stephen spoke about his experiences in college and the value of a third level education to him. His story was previously documented in ’19 Stories of Social Inclusion’, a project funded by the National Disability Authority and managed by Trinity College and Inclusion Ireland.
The stories capture the diverse ways that people with disabilities belong and contribute to their communities. 19 stories were chosen to highlight Article 19 of the UNCRPD, the right to live independently and be included in the community – a key underpinning of social inclusion for people with disabilities.
You can see all 19 stories of social inclusion on Inclusion Ireland’s website.
You can also read the report on the project here, ‘19 Stories of Social Inclusion – Ireland: Stories of Belonging, Contributing an Connecting’