DCU Ability Group Awareness Day 2020

In this webinar, a host of international experts offer their insights on how we can achieve inclusive education. Using excerpts from the podcast series, Dr Joanne Banks explores our conceptual understanding of inclusion; the evidence base for inclusive education; the policy and practice disconnect and the link between inclusive education and inclusion for society.
Inclusion Ireland is delighted to take our annual conference Online on Thursday 3rd December – the international day for people with disabilities.
Inclusion Ireland is a national, rights-based advocacy organisation. We work to strengthen the voice and promote the rights of people with an intellectual disability. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) guides our work.
In this conference, people with a disability in Ireland, will share their stories and learning about how they are using computers, phones and the internet in new ways to
Much of this work and learning is being supported by services. Because of the isolation caused by Covid 19, this work has now become even more important.
The presentations and talks will be led by self-advocates from across the country and we hope this event gives us all an opportunity to learn from each other.
On Tuesday 1st December at 11 am, we will be giving people an opportunity to test the conference link and make sure that they can connect up with us by Zoom. You can sign up for this “Zoom support” when you are registering.
We aim to make sure that the platform is fully accessible and we would appreciate if you could let us know if you have any additional support requirements.
Thursday 3rd of December 2020 at 10:30 am on Zoom
[This event is being organised by Inclusion Ireland. INHEF are not involved in the running of the conference]
Course Filter launched highlighting access to Higher Education for those with intellectual disabilities
CareersPortal.ie & Inclusive National Higher Education Forum (INHEF) launch new area on CareersPortal for those with Intellectual Disabilities to research Course Opportunities to access courses in Higher education,
Today is World Access to Higher Education Day 2020. World Access to Higher Education Day is a platform to raise global awareness around inequalities in access and success in higher education (HE), and act as a catalyst for international, regional and local action.
For all young people, higher education provides the opportunity to form their identity as young adults, develop skills and capacities, and establish social networks (O’Brien, 2019). Designing initiatives in higher education can offer similar opportunities for learners with intellectual disabilities to grow into adulthood (Shevlin et al., 2020: 16).
The Inclusive National Higher Education Forum (INHEF), is a national interest group comprised of higher education representatives and other professionals interested in supporting access routes and inclusive post-secondary education initiatives to learners with intellectual disabilities. The mission of the INHEF is to provide a collaborative space for consultation between providers with a view to driving strategic developments, informing policy debates, building capacity within higher education institutions to establish and deliver education programs for people with intellectual disabilities in the Republic of Ireland.
The INHEF have partnered with CareersPortal.ie to promote viable opportunities for students with intellectual disabilities to participate in higher education programmes designed to enhance their capacity to fully participate in society as independent adults. This joint initiative aims to promote the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in higher education – and society.
All the courses from the participating colleges have been included in a new filter on the popular CouresFinder on CareersPortal under “Intellectual Disability Programmes” where prospective students can search all course details.
Inclusive Education Webinar hosted by: The International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSIDD)
Over the course of the last decades, several countries around the world have taken serious efforts to make their school systems more inclusive. Fuelled by international policy papers, as the Salamanca Statement (UNCESO 1994) and the activism of the Disabled People’s Movement, governments from all continents
have tried to re-organise structures and practises in the field of education. Signing the UN-Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD, 2006), several states have affirmed the right of all children to education – in an inclusive system. These processes have led to a global progress in expanding access to education (UNESCO 2017). Despite these efforts, many children with disabilities are still refused participation in education or are being schooled in segregated educational settings. The labels intellectual disability and/or developmental disability seem to remain some of the most powerful barriers, disabling children to participate in mainstream school settings.
Inclusive Education and Students with Intellectual Disabilities: Lessons from Asia, Europe and the United States – 24th November
Facilitators: Tobias Buchner/ Deirdre Corby
Topics and Speakers
Inclusive Education in Asia: Insights from Country case studies
Rhonda Faragher (University of Queensland, Australia) & Lucy Miranda (Manila, Philippines)
The State of Inclusion with Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in The United States Karrie Shogren & Jennifer Kurth (University of Kansas, USA)
Same progress for all? Inclusive Education, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Students with Intellectual Disabilities in European Countries
Tobias Buchner (University Teacher College Upper Austria, Austria & Joanna Smogorzewska University of Warsaw, Poland)
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